How can we nurture creativity?

Each new day brings hopes, dreams and expectations – all of which can change in the whisper of a moment.

Is that a bad thing?  Of course not, but we can support ourselves and our art in various ways.

It’s about strategies, solutions and systems that work for us as individuals.

To do that we need to educate ourselves to:

  • nurture ourselves and our art – take breaks, meditate and feed our souls physically and mentally
  • be consistent
  • be flexible – mistakes happen, it’s how we pivot
  • ask for help when we need it
  • fantasize – yes, dream big, then go after those dreams
  • hone our skills
  • learn to evaluate our work objectively
  • accept rejection
  • trust in ourselves and our abilities
  • look at problems as the genesis of creative solutions
  • set goals and strive to achieve them
  • question everything
  • dare to differ
  • learn to focus
  • never give up no matter how outlandish the idea is

Easy to achieve suggestions that can make a huge difference to our creativity and that, in many cases, cost nothing.

None of these ideas are new and very few are taught, but to continually keep those wheels of creativity turning we need to put some thought and care into how we grease those wheels – it might make a huge difference to our creative output and our work.

I’ll finish with these fabulous quotes:

Pablo Picasso, ‘Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers.’

Seneca, ‘It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.’

Hannibal, ‘We will either find a way or make one.’

Nurture the artist and we nurture creativity.


All views and opinions expressed are my own, except where acknowledged information is included from other sources.