Yes, trying something new is good.

It doesn’t mean you’re changing your style of work.

It doesn’t mean you’re copying someone else’s work.

It means you’re adding new ideas to your repertoire and fleshing out your artistic aesthetic.

What it means is that you’re still willing to grow.

And I think that’s so important, because what’s the other option?

I attended a workshop recently at Timeless Textiles Gallery offered by Assemblage Artist Susan Doherty, whose work in her current exhibition at the Gallery, The Gold Series and the Poetry of Flowers, is outstanding.

Now this is not the style of work I would normally utilize in my work, but I see such potential.


It’s the freedom, the lack of rigidity, working with nature, found objects, and the imperfect that appeal to me.

Who knew?  It shows I’m still growing and learning – and that’s a good thing.

Will I use some of these new techniques in my work?  Absolutely.

Will I look at the world slightly differently each time I walk the dogs or stroll along our beautiful beaches?  Absolutely.

All from one workshop and one inspiring artist.

Now that’s powerful.


All views and opinions expressed are my own, except where acknowledged information is included from other sources.