As an exhibiting textile artist, I sometimes find that life can be overwhelming.

And by life, I’m including my private, family, and professional life in this often jumbled mix.

So as my home has to continue to function, regardless of what I have going on in my professional life, I’ve learned a few tricks to enable me to cope, keep on top, and lower levels of stress and frustration.

Because at the end of the day, I much prefer order to chaos.

It comes down to the chores – those necessary elements of our daily life that simply must be done.

I look at cooking as a pleasure, but I know not everyone agrees with me there.

What do I do?

Well, there’s always a plan, a loose plan sometimes, but it’s there.

I simply do a chore a day – cleaning bathrooms, washing floors, washing, and the dreaded dusting – and I try to include a daily workout.

Ironing, vacuuming, and shopping have become my husband’s domain, thankfully.

And when it comes to weekends, that’s when I love to cook – something big or a little complicated that can be frozen and cover more than one meal.

Remember that saying, ‘cook once, eat twice’ – that’s the one to live by.

I choose what we’re having for dinner the night before, and ensure that everything needed is in the fridge.

There are always meals in the freezer to cover those times when everything seems to be happening on the same day plus we have the occasional takeaway.

That leaves me with a fairly decent amount of time to dedicate to the work I love to do, allowing me to focus knowing that we’re eating well and that my home is being taken care of.

Chores?  They just need to be done and dusted.

Do them daily and do them early is my motto, and then the rest of the day is yours.

Create your plan.


All views and opinions expressed are my own, except where acknowledged information is included from other sources.