Knowing when to stop – overthinking, call it what you will, we sometimes need to take time out to rest and think.

We overcomplicate because we overthink.

Keep things simple and remember your concept.

Reference your inspiration and the sketchbook design brief you initially started with.

Or, if you work intuitively, take a break for a few days, but leave the work somewhere you walk past each day.

Ask yourself if you’ve achieved what you intended.

Is your design fully resolved or is it still asking questions of you that are unanswered in the design?

Take time.  Take stock.  Take more time.

Because that resolution to a finished end product will come.

Your design is your priority.

Make your decisions based on that – and try to keep them simple.

Here are some tips to avoid overthinking:

  • walk away and do something completely different
  • begin some meditative stitching – something you don’t have to think about
  • set up systems to ensure you enjoy the process

Then ask yourself, are you creating problems that aren’t even there?


All views and opinions expressed are my own, except where acknowledged information is included from other sources.