You all know by now I am an ardent bibliophile.

Even the history of print, bookmaking, and illustration is appealing because there’s nothing like a good, old-fashioned page-turner – it’s like joining the dots throughout the ages.

Recently on my Stitch Safari Podcast, I reviewed three books.  Two were second-hand acquisitions – the best kind in my opinion, and the third I purchased because I’d done a workshop with the author, English embroidery artist, Jean Draper.

It was magic to re-open those pages and familiarize myself again with their wealth and diversity.

My point is, how quickly and easily those precious tomes can be overlooked and forgotten.

I don’t care when they were written.  I believe some of the best books on my shelves were written in the 1980s to 2000 – especially the Golden Era of British embroidery publications that seemed to punctuate that entire era.

Almost anybody who was anybody then wrote a book – and it usually sold well – which could explain why so many are on my shelves!

However, re-opening those oft-closed pages and re-immersing oneself into their content now brings about different thoughts and ideas.

What I would have thought and done even five years ago would be quite different from what I would do now – that’s my point.

Those books are still valuable and I must remember to delve into them regularly to gain the best of their offerings.

How much more can they provide with a different set of eyes, new knowledge, materials, techniques and better abilities?

So, note to self: look at just one book from my library every morning over a relaxing cup of breakfast tea.

Peruse its contents carefully as though I’ve never seen it before and ponder that age-old question, what if?

All from an old-fashioned, page-turning book, sitting next door in my library.

Fresh eyes = new ideas.

I can’t wait.


All views and opinions expressed are my own, except where acknowledged information is included from other sources.