It happens to us all, whether self-inflicted or external.

Pressure.  It hits us all at some time.

It’s how we deal with it that truly sorts us out.

Pressure may be alleviated somewhat by well-thought-out systems, routines and a wealth of time – but what happens when those elements are taken away or no longer work and pressure returns, or when it’s self-inflicted?

A review of systems and routines could be implemented allowing enough time to create, make and administer all the paperwork necessary to exhibit, enter competitions and meet deadlines,

That’s looking at pressure as an entity we can arrange and regulate.

But what about those times when pressure is a positive thing providing the opportunity to reach new heights of creativity, focus and ability?

Sometimes we need to be made to stretch ourselves and be taken out of our cozy comfort zones.

Recently, with an exhibition deadline looming, I wanted to create two more works before all relevant paperwork has to be sent to the Gallery.

Silly, I know, but the idea was there, the materials were out – all I had to do was apply myself.

So I did.

But to achieve my goal, I had to implement a level of simplicity in design, matched by the intricacy of hand embroidery to make the work visually interesting.

I went for a very bold, graphic design, in colours I love working with adding texture and interest through hand embroidery.

Pressure was applied to create.  The deadline is known, and the time is there.

Looking at it this way, pressure can be a privilege – I applied it to stretch myself as an artist, making me grapple with a combination of techniques on a much larger scale than I’ve attempted before.

When managed well, pressure can stretch our abilities even further.


All views and opinions expressed are my own, except where acknowledged information is included from other sources.