Perfection isn’t what creativity’s about.

Perfection, if it happens at all, is about honing skills, and it’s constant repetition that allows perfection to evolve.

And while we’d all like to create the perfect artwork, it’s far more important to simply create artwork.

That’s the key – by simply creating, hopefully, on a regular and consistent basis, you’ll notice progress – so it’s progress we should all be cultivating, not perfection.

Is perfection even achievable?  I don’t think so.  But progress sure is.

So that’s what I’m after every time I sit down to begin a new embroidery, or design for new work as in the drawings below.  It’s all progress.


And there are ways to help support progress – and when worked into your daily routines, they’re easy and sustainable.

Here are some of my ideas to help reinforce progress:

  • Set up a room or an area that allows you to work undisturbed and where all your tools are easily accessible
  • Set up systems that suit you and how you work best – you may work often, in short bursts, or once a day for a couple of hours
  • Commit to working on a regular basis – whatever your schedule allows, consistency is key
  • I find working on small, easy-to-finish projects spurs my creativity most of all – I get so caught up in the ‘what if’ questions that I’m transported on waves of pure energy and inspiration
  • Work with colours, fabrics, and embellishments that resonate with you – I do not work with colours I find dull or uninspiring – that’s a total loss for me and does not push me further, rather, I find it restricting

Now I’m not saying you have to work with expensive fabrics or threads, not at all.  I’ll use anything that suits the work, so long as it’s the colour or texture I’m looking for – and sometimes, that can come from recycled, repurposed or even found items.

It’s that spark I suggest you look for because that’s what will ignite your passion and desire to create, and for me, that can come from either colour or texture – and a lot of other things too.

It’s also important to consider consistency, because embroidery – whether it’s by hand or machine, is a learned skill that requires constant care and nurturing – and those skills need to be honed regularly and consistently.

Now I know not everyone has the luxury of a workroom or studio, but what about a bureau or console of some sort that can accommodate a system of storage boxes?  Think outside the square when it comes to how you can house your creative requirements.

And then simply create.

Make mistakes.  Learn.  Evolve – and then repeat, constantly and consistently.

Strive for progress, headway, and forward movement – that’s what you’re looking for.

Perfection will follow.


All views and opinions expressed are my own, except where acknowledged information is included from other sources.