A plan I hear you ask?  Yes, a plan!  A way of moving forward so I know exactly where I’m going.

I always have a plan.  I’m always heading somewhere.  I couldn’t imagine working any other way.

Right here, right now, what’s my plan to continue moving in a forward direction – one that is just right for me?


  • The Sydney Quilt Show 2019 finished recently, so I’m already thinking of my two entries for The Sydney Quilt Show 2020.
  • I’ve had a work selected into an upcoming exhibition, Art Quilts in Focus, at Gallery 76, Queen St., Concord West, NSW in conjunction with QuiltNSW and The Embroiderers Guild NSW from 1-29 August 2019.
  • I’m always on the look-out for further exhibition opportunities, national and international.


  • I’m teaching Machine Stitch Odyssey for Atasda at the Epping Creative Centre, 28-29 September 2019.
  • I’ve also been booked to teach in Victoria next year.

Designing and Making:

  • Design and make an entry for The Margaret Oppen Competition sponsored by The Embroiderers’ Guild NSW with the theme of ‘Sensations’.  Entry Form submission 12/8/19, Work submission 16/9/19.  For Members only.  I have an idea!
  • Design and make an entry for Vision 2020: The Power of Sight: The Act of Seeing, curated by Brenda Gael Smith. Size requirement 50x50cm, entry submission 10/1/2020.  Open to all entrants, national and international.  I have an idea!
  • I’m currently stitching a triptych to enter into QuiltNSW’s relaunch of The New Quilt at Hawkesbury Regional Gallery, Windsor, NSW from 5 February – 4 April 2021.  One panel finished, two to go!  Entry submission 20 October 2020.  Open to all Australian residents.
  • I have an on-going body of work entitled Mind Body and Soul.  I’m always thinking about using that as inspiration for new work.
  • I want to sample for another body of work on Fashion.

Social Media:

  • Researching, writing, refining and posting a weekly blog post.
  • Taking and editing images for blog posts and social media.

That’s my plan.  It’s simple.  It’s what I want to do and where I know is best for me to head.  Without the above, I’d be rudderless.  I have a sense of achievement just by having this plan.  If I don’t do something, that’s OK.  Sometimes life gets in the way, or sometimes other opportunities arise and I find I achieve even more.

From me to you, my best advice is to have a plan that suits you – a direction, a path forward.  Whatever it is, I wish you huge success with what you want to achieve.  Just go for it!

cathy jack coupland