Christmas Canvas Work

Christmas Canvas Work

Happy Christmas 2023 to all who read and subscribe to my weekly blog. I appreciate that you’re here, so I’d like to give a little something back. Have you given Canvas Work a go? Canvas work is a form of counted thread embroidery, worked on open weave...
Stitching A Small Series

Stitching A Small Series

When you have an idea for a theme and that urge to stitch grabs hold, you just have to follow your inspiration. And that’s exactly what I did with this small series based very loosely on Wildflowers. I wanted to capture the essence of wildness, freedom, pattern...
Learning Through Play

Learning Through Play

How many times have we heard the expression, ‘Learning Through Play’? Well, it’s true – we do learn through play.  I’ll pop in some of my ‘play’ pieces. Early childhood educators will attest that play is a valuable learning...
Working on Paper

Working on Paper

Yes, I’m old school. I love working with paper. Collage, paint, drawing, and design, you name it, I love it. But, have you actually used it to stitch into? Yes, it can be done, quite easily, surprisingly, with a history of punched paper designs that were quite...
New Work

New Work

New work is the ideal – but coming up with the ideas is really where it’s at. The creation of new work is sometimes just the last stop along a journey of mistakes, or the beginning of new concepts that finally coalesce into something exciting, different,...