Define Time

‘Most of us fail to analyse the elements of time, yet that’s at the core of successful outcomes.’  Cathy Jack Coupland   How many times have you seen a piece of work and secretly thought, ‘I had that idea, why didn’t I use it?’  The...

The Adventure Begins

‘The way to get started is to stop thinking and start doing.’  Walt Disney Great advice.  It’s too easy to have an idea, then keep ‘looking’.  Sometimes I just have to bite the bullet and begin doing, otherwise, I’ll flip and flop...

A Flight of Fancy

‘If your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small.’  Richard Branson Being scared is part of the creative process.  It seems to me, every time I push myself, and I mean really push myself, that’s when the fear sets in.  But it’s also...

Redeeming Research

If you can’t explain it simply, then you don’t understand it well enough.’  Albert Einstein I’m a firm believer in things happening for a reason and these past few months have been interesting to say the least.  I knew I wanted to start a...

Pinterest – A Visual Bank

‘Pinterest – a visual-bank of some of my favourite artists, ideas and inspiration.  It’s all about being curious.’  Cathy Jack Coupland And I’m always depositing. I’m referring to the amazing social media, web, and mobile app...

Are You Getting Your 5 a Day?

‘Routine in an intelligent man is a sign of ambition.’ W.H. Auden The rhythm of a dally routine creates the canvas for my day.  So what’s better, a small daily dose of discipline or a blank canvas?  Mmmm, let me see. Now I can choose to ignore those...