Astonishing Book

‘This book is the Jane Austen of the Embroidery world in my opinion.  The writing is a little dated and flowery, but none-the-less sharply insightful, well researched and logically portrayed.  It’s gently scattered with delightfully useful and informative...

Mentoring 2020

Mentoring – it sounds old fashioned, but it’s so on-point in 2020. A mentor is someone who uses their knowledge and experience to guide.  They should never say what to do, rather give options for going down the path that suits you.  We’re all...

Finding that Pearl

I won’t find my pearl of inspiration lying in the sand.  I have to dig a lot deeper to find it. When I first used the analogy of the pearl to challenge myself this year, little did I know it would lead me down some very interesting, dare I say, pearly paths. The...

The Pearl Gatherer

2020 is my year to become a pearl-gatherer and explorer of thoughts and imagination.  It’s time to deep-dive into whatever touches my soul and stirs my curiosity.  Figuratively speaking of course.  Where are my swimmers by the way? Like the pearl-gatherers,...

Begin Where?…

How on earth am I doing what I do? It’s a long story, believe me – and I wasn’t at all sure just where I was going. One thing I am sure about is that whatever I do, it has to engage my passions.  I am passionate about stitch. So where and how did I...