Hello and welcome to my Blog especially for textile artists, combining inspiration, personal growth, creativity and design. All the good things!
Judging: Subjective v Objective
Those two little words, subjective v objective, looked at in that light, suddenly become hugely important and hugely relevant.
A Link With Our Past
More and more embroidery and the needle arts feature in professional gallery exhibitions or are included in calls-for-entry for art competitions and grants.
The Embroidery/Textile Artist’s Sketchbook
Sketchbooks are the perfect platform to generate inspiration, promote curiosity, trial techniques and media as well as foster your own visual language.
How to Find Inspiration and Unleash Curiosity
Allow thoughts and ideas to percolate and develop to form a cascading torrent of ideas – just drift and take it slowly.
What Drives Success?
That’s often when we experience a breakthrough, an advancement, or a step forward.
Try Monochrome
A monochromatic colour scheme is sassy, reliable, and really easy to use.
Pure Serendipity
Purchased for one purpose, but now used for another, it’s already become a work-room boon, and I just love it.
Stop to Get Started
So, for me, imagining that book closing when I know I’m wasting time and procrastinating just a little – offers me that wake-up call I need to push myself to simply ‘do’.
New Keys for New Opportunities
Keep looking to find a key that opens that door of opportunity for you. This is about you and your ability to make those opportunities for yourself.
What Works For Me?
None of these ideas are unusual or complicated, just common-sense ways to help me achieve and look after myself too.
The Mistake Relationship
Being perfect is a myth – being practical is rewiring how you think to make use of those mistakes.
Time to Switch Gears?
Use this quiet downtime to switch gears to actually rev up for a creative new year.
Info Noise
Do your due diligence, and research before you take any action, or, use that knowledge as a baseline starting point and make changes until it suits your needs.
The Christmas Break
I believe it’s a healthy strategy to sometimes take a break, a step back for a few days or even a week or more – however much time is right for you.
Poetic Licence
Poetic Licence is the coalescence of extended thinking and making, with embroidery being the perfect medium to translate those ideas.