
Hello and welcome to my Blog especially for textile artists, combining inspiration, personal growth, creativity and design.  All the good things!

On My Desk

As promised, I’m sharing the books on my desk now – the one’s I’m reading and working with to assist me to present The Stitch Safari Podcasts, but also for the simple pleasure of learning and exploring further. And am I learning!

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Redeeming Research

I’m a firm believer in things happening for a reason and these past few months have been a bit of a revelation for me.  I knew I wanted to start a Podcast – The Stitch Safari Podcast – and I did.  So what’s been so ‘redeeming’ about that?  Easy.  I’ve had to research.

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The Stitch Safari Podcast Launch

The Stitch Safari Podcast Launch

The Stitch Safari Podcast is a brand-new fortnightly expedition trekking through the development, applications, and innovations of cloth, needles, stitch, and embroidery. Join me as I host this light-hearted, informative tour dedicated to the art of the needle.

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Stitch Nirvarna

Multiple threads and free-machine-embroidery have the ability to produce exquisite, mouth-watering textures.  Straight lines incorporated with curved and sassy lines produce eye-catching contrast.  This is my Nirvana, my paradise.

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Nigella and Michelangelo

So now I have to foster and develop my own writing style.  Why haven’t I bothered about this before?  Time perhaps.  I’ve been so focused on producing work that writing about it was often done in haste.  Big mistake.

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Power Words Magic Charm

We work with and write about textiles.  Every word and every image should render a visual and imaginary spectacle depicting the allure of thread and stitch.

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Astonishing Book

This is the Jane Austen of the Embroidery world in my opinion.  The writing is a little dated and flowery, but none-the-less sharply insightful, well researched and logically portrayed, gently scattered with delightfully useful and informative line drawings and black-and-white plates.

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Great Idea? OMG. What’s Next?

The inner pressure that we exert on ourselves produces the best work possible.  It’s also part of The Iceberg Effect, the things people don’t see which tend to yield the most success. Read my post on the Iceberg Effect.

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Risk or Opportunity?

I listened to my instinct, which kept telling me to take the risk.   It transpired I wasn’t afraid of failure.  I was more fearful of not giving it a go, of facing no change at all.’

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