

I often watch people stitch and listen to their record of how many hours were expended setting those perfect stitches. Why? Monitoring time is simply a measurement. Where’s the value? Working to a speed that’s comfortable, and producing the results I know...
The Right Recipe

The Right Recipe

Get the recipe right and magic can happen. What recipe? The one that suits you and your dreams. There’s just so much go-to information available now, and so many carrots being dangled in front of us, that it’s become confusing to be able to find your own...
Take Control

Take Control

It sounds easy – but it’s not. Why’s it important?  Because really, it’s all about you. As practicing textile artists, we’ve worked hard to gain recognition and to be seen as professional artists in a genre of artistic endeavour...
The Art of Mentoring

The Art of Mentoring

‘A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself’.  Oprah Winfrey Mentoring is an art, and unfortunately, too many fail to understand that. It can be the means of self-discovery and growth as an artist, and, in my opinion, is totally...
Yes, No or Wow

Yes, No or Wow

Recently, I came across a quote from Milton Glasser, (1929-2020), the American graphic designer and illustrator best known for creating the ‘I Love New York’ logo. I was curious as his logo is known around the world, yet his name just didn’t resonate...
Stress or Passion

Stress or Passion

Stress.  We all suffer from it at some point in time – and it’s usually to satisfy external demands. It’s way too easy to say ‘if you have an itch, scratch it’ – so to advise ‘soldiering on’ as an effective cure for...