Hello and welcome to my Blog especially for textile artists, combining inspiration, personal growth, creativity and design. All the good things!
Time, Problems, Passion and Deadlines
This is about understanding yourself as an artist, creator and person because you’re the only one who knows what motivates you to create.
15 Tips to Nurture Creativity
Nurture the artist and we nurture creativity.
It’s The Finish That Really Counts
Design with the end in mind and give finishing its due.
Page Turners
Note to self: look at just one book from my library every morning over a relaxing cup of breakfast tea.
Embroidery, Nature and Process
I'm beginning research for another Stitch Safari episode and came across Louise Gardiner's Cape of Empowerment. If you're at all interested in connecting natural inspiration with your embroidery, then keep reading. The Cape of Empowerment was commissioned in 2017 by...
The Value of Monochrome
Working within tonal ranges of one colour makes for some stunning work.
Forgotten Treasure
Forgotten Treasure shows is the value of never throwing anything away. Keep it. Look at it down the road when you can see the strength that lies within.
May you find that common thread of a sharing and supportive community.
Creative Block? Not Here
Simple ideas to keep that momentum fired up and working for you each and every day.
Close Down to See
Paul Gauguin once said, ‘Shut your eyes in order to see.’
Sketchbooks v Intuitiveness
Creativity needs to be fostered – how you do it is up to you, or, what works for you.
Why Not Start a Blog?
Do some research, listen to my latest podcast about starting a blog here, and begin.
Here are some tips to avoid overthinking.
Are You Considering a Website?
Your website becomes your community.
What’s In a Name?
Be brave, wear your heart on your sleeve, name your work with authority and use the power of the written word.