Hello and welcome to my Blog especially for textile artists, combining inspiration, personal growth, creativity and design. All the good things!
Is It Better to Start or Finish?
Over the years a creative process has evolved that works for me. Led by passion, fuelled by inspiration, fleshed out by research and expanded through design development.
About Doubt
Rather than having misgivings about going down a certain path, entertain more paths. Rather than hesitating about trying new design elements – add more. Want to mix in more colours – or pare them down? Do it. But do it all with confidence – and that ‘what if’ attitude of success.
Begin at the End
It’s one thing to have an idea or concept – it’s another kettle of fish entirely, to make that up into a successful design for textile and fibre art. So where do I start?
The Success Icegerg
Well, my stars must be aligned or in their seventh heaven or whatever the terminology is as I've had an amazing news week. And while it's great to look at this as success, which of course it is, what it really is, is the realisation of a lot of hard work. I've had to...
Ideas = Exposure + Research
We all have ideas. When we're walking, in the shower, cooking dinner - all sorts of odd places, and all sorts of odd times. So, that big question 'where do your ideas come from?' is often at the forefront of any discussion on creativity in the textile and fibre arts...
Moments That Matter
Time can mean a point in time, a moment, a juncture or an hour. And that meaning can change slightly when referencing 'your time'. 'Your Time' is that special point when you've made the opportunity to be present and engaged in the work at hand, the work right in front...
Amour propre
Self-esteem, self-importance, self-worth or self-respect - call it what you will - it's ego. And believe it or not, we need it. But it's how we use it that's really important - not only to our sense of self as a person and an artist but also how we travel and...
Is It Working?
Now that's a very powerful question - with equally powerful ramifications. If I want to move forward in my work, I know there's a point in time when I have to step back and ask the question, 'is this working?' And, I ask that question with each piece of work I create...
WIP Images: The Benefits
By taking work-in-progress shots of your textile and fibre art, you’re promoting yourself and your brand, your style and even the genre you work in.
Pleasure, Beauty, Freedom – Design Concept
This design had been in the back of my mind for a long time. Inspired by the colours and textures of our beautiful Australian flowering gums and those cheeky, raucous, magnificently coloured Lorikeets - it seemed as though this work came together of its own will. Now,...
Problem Solving
I’m not perfect, I still encounter difficulties and issues, but it’s up to me to make the changes that will move me forward. And I want to continue in this format, so I have to do it better – and I will.
Which is of More Value – Income or Expenditure?
It's all about how you view things. Income or expenditure - Is only one of value, or are they both? I'm talking about the income of investments, those we make in ourselves and our time to gain knowledge and skills and to build relationships enabling us to create and...
Swimming Against The Tide
It’s those artists whose work dares to be different, who you can see have worked at and were dedicated to achieving their vision that stands out in my mind.
Words As Art
All my design work begins with a line. It's how I build, construct and create my designs. But there's one area of line I usually ignore - for no good reason. We all know the power and potential in a simple line - expressing emotion and mood, conveying texture, form,...
Who Am I?
I’m the sum total of all my interactions and it’s up to me to choose how I cope or deal with those interactions.