Hello and welcome to my Blog especially for textile artists, combining inspiration, personal growth, creativity and design. All the good things!
What is Art? The Conundrum
Yet with such a rich heritage supporting textiles in the 21st century, the conundrum of what constitutes art still abounds. Who’s making that decision? Who?
And Then There Were Three: Trials and Tribulations
Ok, stitching out a large design is no picnic – but I’m perverse and love every moment of it. Sometimes problem-solving is extremely therapeutic and gratifying. You have a problem, fix it right – next? That’s my attitude.
And Then There Were Three: Technique
So how did I transfer this larger-than-life, fairly intricate design? By tracing every line, mark, dot and pattern on my drawing.
And Then There Were Three: Concept and Design
This beautiful process needs to drip through like fragrant, aromatic coffee, and the longer it filters and percolates, the better it seems. It’s just such a relaxing and soothing undertaking, wrapping around me like a comforting hug from an old friend.
Monet and Me
Working differently, including gorgeous repetitive, rhythmic pattern, seems to have charged my design batteries.
Social Media: The Good, The Bad and The Downright Ugly
Using social media is one way to promote your work, and your brand – as well as getting messages out there to people who’re genuinely interested in what you do.
Think about the ambience – the tone or spirit we surround ourselves with while we work, and the tools that can, surprisingly, help nourish and nurture our workflow.
The White Rabbit
Your work should be littered with rabbit-holes and Wonderland moments – those precious times when for whatever reason, we make a mistake!
Fresh Eyes
Sometimes, just sometimes – and it is rare – someone comes along and pinpoints a problem you know’s there, but you just can’t find the solution for. You just need fresh eyes.
Just One Stitch – That’s All It Takes
A lot of people think they need a diversity of stitch to create magical, textural textile art, but that’s just not so. All it takes is just one stitch!
Christmas Wishes 2020
We all know what kind of year it’s been, particularly if you live in Australia – but, for me, this Christmas wish post is about two things – looking forward and being thankful.
Find Your Whalesong
Like turning on a switch, that light-bulb of clarity appears. But it’s in that world of shadowy, contemplative darkness we all need to turn from time to time, to enrich and renew our own whale songs, honouring the work we want and need to create.
Dance with a Deadline to Push Your Work Forward
Dance with a deadline and re-kindle that passion and energy for your textile and fibre art.
The Mantra: Draw, Refine, Stitch, Repeat
Creating textile and fibre art doesn’t need to be complicated, quite the reverse. Just look at it one process at a time, like learning the steps to a new dance or baking your first souffle.
Finding Zen
Routine: drill, practice, procedure, pattern. Ritual: ceremony, protocol, order, custom. Zen: the value of meditation and intuition. Even the most aspirational artist experiences challenges, so what exactly is it that gets you through your day?. That daily grind...