Hello and welcome to my Blog especially for textile artists, combining inspiration, personal growth, creativity and design. All the good things!
How I would love to sit down with the designer of The Bayeux Tapestry and just talk. There’s such value looking back to what’s been done before – and the beauty of that is that I can utilise that work as a stepping stone to inspire new work, steeped in historical meaning. Now that’s fascinating to me.
I believe in listening to or taking note of, these little signs. Perhaps it’s more about knowing where I’m heading, and the outcome I want to achieve, whatever, I believe these little auspices have some form of attached meaning. It’s like a road sign saying ‘Look at me, look at me.’
Define Time
Analysing how and when I work best and linking that to a do-able timeline, is my way of making the best of my time as well as achieving focus on the things I love to do – that’s how you define time.
The Adventure Begins
It’s too easy to have an idea, and then keep ‘looking’. Sometimes I just have to bite the bullet and begin doing, otherwise, I’ll flip and flop my way around to procrastination, and that’s just not going to happen. The adventure begins now.
A Flight of Fancy
Is being scared part of the creative process? Absolutely. It seems to me when we push ourselves, and I mean really push ourselves, that’s when the fear sets in. But it’s also, for me at least, the time when I know opportunity and possibility are at a premium, and I need to lose myself to find both.
On My Desk This Week
Two more books to add to my suggested Reading List. The Bayeux Tapestry and Guo Pei Couture Beyond. If you’re interested in Stitch and History, read my blog for more.
On My Desk
As promised, I’m sharing the books on my desk now – the one’s I’m reading and working with to assist me to present The Stitch Safari Podcasts, but also for the simple pleasure of learning and exploring further. And am I learning!
Redeeming Research
I’m a firm believer in things happening for a reason and these past few months have been a bit of a revelation for me. I knew I wanted to start a Podcast – The Stitch Safari Podcast – and I did. So what’s been so ‘redeeming’ about that? Easy. I’ve had to research.
25 Ideas to Feed Your Inner Self and Boost Creativity
Toady, I'm jumping straight in with 25 inner-self fuelling, creative propositions: follow your passions - whatever they may be revisit past interests of hobbies listen to your favourite music surround yourself with things your absolutely love make time to read make...
Pinterest – A Visual Bank
Visual referencing – a grouping of some of my favourite artists, ideas and inspiration. It’s all about being curious.
Are You Getting Your 5 a Day?
The rhythm of a dally routine creates the canvas for my day. What’s better, a small daily dose of discipline or a blank canvas? Mmmm, let me see.
The Stitch Safari Podcast Launch
The Stitch Safari Podcast is a brand-new fortnightly expedition trekking through the development, applications, and innovations of cloth, needles, stitch, and embroidery. Join me as I host this light-hearted, informative tour dedicated to the art of the needle.
Stitch Nirvarna
Multiple threads and free-machine-embroidery have the ability to produce exquisite, mouth-watering textures. Straight lines incorporated with curved and sassy lines produce eye-catching contrast. This is my Nirvana, my paradise.
Nigella and Michelangelo
So now I have to foster and develop my own writing style. Why haven’t I bothered about this before? Time perhaps. I’ve been so focused on producing work that writing about it was often done in haste. Big mistake.
Power Words Magic Charm
We work with and write about textiles. Every word and every image should render a visual and imaginary spectacle depicting the allure of thread and stitch.