by Cathy Jack Coupland | Nov 6, 2020 | Creativity, Design, Inspiration
When it comes to creating a design, full to the brim with meaningful content, it really is as simple as an equation. D = I + M (Design = Inspiration + Momentum) We’re all inspired by something – that’s step one, but I think it’s that next...
by Cathy Jack Coupland | Oct 30, 2020 | Creativity, Design, Inspiration
How about some ideas and inspiration for creating Dynamism and that sense of energy and movement in design work for new textile and fibre art? And as you already know from reading this blog, looking back is the only way I know, to move forward. So that’s...
by Cathy Jack Coupland | Oct 23, 2020 | Design, History, Inspiration
There’s one thing I want from a piece of art and that’s excitement. I want to feel reverberating, unrestrained energy, not just glimpse it. I want my eyes to gallivant all over the work, not just puddle in one place, if at all. And that’s exactly...
by Cathy Jack Coupland | Oct 16, 2020 | Inspiration, Process
Learning is a skill, but it’s also an attitude. Memorising facts and figures, for some, is where it’s at – but that can be risky – where’s the solid footing? And it’s from that substantial knowledge base, that understanding...
by Cathy Jack Coupland | Oct 9, 2020 | Creativity, Design, Inspiration
I’m in a bit of a groove of late and it seems to be working, so I’m inviting you to get into your groove as well – in ten easy steps. It’s not a challenge – but it is meant to stimulate, stretch and inspire your design skills. And...
by Cathy Jack Coupland | Oct 2, 2020 | Creativity, Design, Inspiration
You know that saying, a picture’s worth a thousand words, well, that’s how I felt when I took an off-the-cuff image of a stunning Sydney coastal plant, the Gymea Lily, named by the indigenous Eora people, it also proudly denotes the suburbs of Gymea and...