The Pearl Gatherer

2020 is my year to become a pearl-gatherer and explorer of thoughts and imagination.  It’s time to deep-dive into whatever touches my soul and stirs my curiosity.  Figuratively speaking of course.  Where are my swimmers by the way? Like the pearl-gatherers,...

Begin Where?…

How on earth am I doing what I do? It’s a long story, believe me – and I wasn’t at all sure just where I was going. One thing I am sure about is that whatever I do, it has to engage my passions.  I am passionate about stitch. So where and how did I...

So, What’s Your Plan?

A plan I hear you ask?  Yes, a plan!  A way of moving forward so I know exactly where I’m going. I always have a plan.  I’m always heading somewhere.  I couldn’t imagine working any other way. Right here, right now, what’s my plan to continue...