Hello and welcome to my Blog especially for textile artists, combining inspiration, personal growth, creativity and design. All the good things!
The Secret Society of Books
Reading is like an enchanting, exotic magic carpet ride in a comfy arm-chair. Just strap myself in, coffee in hand, breathe deeply and I’m entranced.
Astonishing Book
This is the Jane Austen of the Embroidery world in my opinion. The writing is a little dated and flowery, but none-the-less sharply insightful, well researched and logically portrayed, gently scattered with delightfully useful and informative line drawings and black-and-white plates.
Good Bones and Pretty Clothes
Everyone knows of the Elements and Principles of Design, well, I liken them to good bones and pretty clothes. One builds structure, the other dresses that structure with the ‘wow’ factor of exciting design.
Find Your Unique Style Quick Quiz
You don’t have to utter one word. People should be able to recognise your work by your style. It’s your brand, your stamp and should express your uniqueness.
Great Idea? OMG. What’s Next?
The inner pressure that we exert on ourselves produces the best work possible. It’s also part of The Iceberg Effect, the things people don’t see which tend to yield the most success. Read my post on the Iceberg Effect.
Risk or Opportunity?
I listened to my instinct, which kept telling me to take the risk. It transpired I wasn’t afraid of failure. I was more fearful of not giving it a go, of facing no change at all.’
The Glass Half Full
Choice is the opportunity. Not choosing is the risk. My glass is definitely, assuredly, clearly half-full.
Top Secret – Who Are You Writing For?
And we have to understand it’s not just this amazing, fantastic work we’re looking at that transports us and touches our hearts, but the words and writing that go along with it, that touches our soul.
Memories, Mindfulness and Mackerel Skies
'Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.' Buddha Remember those skies dappled with white rows of fleecy, fluffy clouds like the markings on a mackerel's back? They're Mackerel Skies. Our lives have become so jam-packed with meetings...
Power Words, Swipe Files and Pandora’s Box
What’s been revealed is a modern-day Pandora’s Box, housing clever, sagacious writing, littered with exquisite words, rhythms and imagery.
Energised Writing
We have to convince and persuade our readers to want to read the next word, the next sentence, then the next paragraph.
Mentoring 2020
A mentor wants to see you grow – each petal at a time, like an unfolding flower ready to show its true inner beauty and purpose. Mentoring really is about unlocking potential – your potential.
Finding that Pearl
The pearl is, after all, formed because of irritation. Well, I have a form of irritation too – an itch that needs scratching. To produce a pearl, I have to cultivate layers of research and learning before being able to produce something miraculous and one-of-a-kind – just like the oyster.
The Pearl Gatherer
This is my year to become a pearl-gatherer and explorer of thoughts and imagination.
It’s time to deep-dive into whatever touches my soul and stirs my curiosity. Figuratively speaking of course – I don’t think my swimmers would even fit anymore!
Begin Where?…
Setting goals, knowing what I’m aiming for, being professional, prioritizing, following a brief, designing a cohesive body of work, hanging work, researching and writing, confidence to go my own way – these are the sort of things I’ve learned.