Hello and welcome to my Blog especially for textile artists, combining inspiration, personal growth, creativity and design. All the good things!
Collage and the Flow of Inspiration
Not a difficult technique at all, but one that gives back tenfold if you’re willing to put the time into it.
One or Multiple?
Basically, I’m using energy created as I stitch to contemplate, evaluate and calculate my next move on each piece.
Vintage Sewing Cases
They must be stylish and they must be practical – just as they were originally intended.
So, if you’re ever in this enviable/unenviable position, proceed with a mental picture and plenty of measurements of your new plan.
Exuberance – The Exhibition, July 6 – August 26
When serendipity knocks at your door, embrace it with all your might. It may mean a change of direction – and that can be a very good thing sometimes.
Selling Your Textile Art – My Perspective
After years of stitching, I never really set out with the aim to sell. How things have changed, because I do now. And although I don't have an online sales platform yet, one is in the offing. So, it really comes back to that age-old question. Do you make to sell or...
Find Your Métier
Spread the learning load across too many techniques and the likelihood is, you’ll excel at nothing.
Stitch Your Dreams
Use your dreams to release emotions, make a statement, or simply capture memories.
Moving from Hobbyist to Professional Textile Artist
There is so much information and support available now, so the transition from hobbyist to professional textile artist should not be too difficult.
Embroidery: Try It
Beautiful, simple embroidery.
Adding Symbolism
Symbolism, in this instance, is on an extremely grand scale, but we take some of these ideas and fill them with our own personality and meaning.
Line and Shape – What’s Not to Love?
Want to add personality and feeling to your work? Want to include power and contrast as well?Then look no further than a simple line and/or shape.
What’s in a Word?
So what’s in a word? The power of your imagination.
It’s the Doing That Counts
It’s that constant review, adjustment, and revision that will get me to a fully resolved piece of artwork – something I’d be happy to hang or display.
The Value of Contrast & Variety
When you design and when you go to choose the materials you’ll be using in your work, remember it’s a symbiotic relationship in that it’s mutually beneficial to both, to achieve your desired outcome.