
Hello and welcome to my Blog especially for textile artists, combining inspiration, personal growth, creativity and design.  All the good things!

Embroidery, Nature and Process

Embroidery, Nature and Process

I'm beginning research for another Stitch Safari episode and came across Louise Gardiner's Cape of Empowerment. If you're at all interested in connecting natural inspiration with your embroidery, then keep reading. The Cape of Empowerment was commissioned in 2017 by...

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Forgotten Treasure

Forgotten Treasure

Forgotten Treasure shows is the value of never throwing anything away.  Keep it.  Look at it down the road when you can see the strength that lies within.

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Wired Up

Wired Up

I seem to have a love affair with wire at present. The idea of working 'off the wall' in a dimensional format is appealing not only to my senses but to my problem-solving skills. Who knew I rather like solving a problem and seeing a dimensional work through to its...

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